How to Wash Comforter at Home to Keep it Clean & Fresh

Keeping a comforter intact requires quality maintenance and regular cleaning and washing. As daunting as the task sounds, what if we told you it is not as challenging as it sounds? You can wash your comforter in a few simple steps without taking it to the dry cleaner. Just dive into the article to know in detail how to wash your comforter at home and keep it clean and fresh!
Remove Stains and Repair Tears Before you wash your comforter, it is extremely important to spot-treat it to remove stains in any area. Clean this area with cleaning products like diluted detergent or a mix of baking soda with water. Also, check for any tears in seams and loose threads in the fabric to repair them before washing. This will prevent the comforter from any further damage caused in the washer/dryer.

Pro Tip: Using bleach to wash a white comforter freshens up the color and gives a new look. Just mix half a cup of bleach with 2-3 gallons of water, soak the comforter in this solution for about 5-7 minutes, and wash it in the machine for best results.
Wash in the Right Washing Machine
Make sure you use the right washing machine, in terms of size, space, & fit. Your comforter must always fit in the washer in a way that it leaves some room to spare for it to get thoroughly washed and completely cleaned. If the washing machine doesn’t provide enough space, the compressed comforter would not give you the desired results.
Choose the Right Detergent & Washing Cycle Settings
Always make sure that you use a mild and natural detergent to wash your comforter. Pertaining to the washing cycle settings, select the delicate and gentle cycle by adding an extra rinse cycle.

Pro Tip: Prefer cold or warm water wash to protect the fabric and color, while opting for a hot water wash to kill dust mites.
Dry Using Tennis Ball
After a nice wash, transfer your comforter to the dryer. Select the dry temperature suggested on the comforter’s care label. Add tennis balls to the load, which will help in evenly distributing the filling and keep the comforter circulating. It will also help fluff the comforter up and prevent it from becoming lumpy.
One very important step in washing your comforter the right way is following the cycle of removing the comforter from the dryer every half hour, fluffing it in a way that redistributes the filling, and returning it to the dryer. Continue this cycle until the comforter is evenly dried.

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